Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lesson From A Helicopter Mom

I have a confession, I am helicopter mom and I am fine with that. I hover, don’t allow my children further than arms reach, do a “check in” every five minutes and a head count, make them hold hands at all times and constantly inspect everything at the playground before they get on it. I watch what they are eating, making sure to remind them to “chew it up good” and don’t allow them to stay with anyone other than grandparents.

Today while at the local fair our four year old wanted to get a child’s rollercoaster all by himself. Let’s pause for a moment so I can quickly take you inside the head of a helicopter mom from the moment my son said “all by myself.”

“What if he gets scared and I can’t get to him??”

“What if they don’t buckle him in properly??”

“What if the ride breaks??”

“Will he remember to hold on tight the whole ride??”

“What if his brother wants to ride next??

“Will he notice if I sneak into the last seat on the ride??”

From the excitement on his face I knew this was one of those moments this helicopter mom needed to take a step back. I was having a major panic attack inside. I put on my biggest smile, waved every time he passed by me on the ride and closed my eyes and silently prayed before he would come back around again.

It was then I realized something. I realized this small roller coaster ride at the county fair is nothing in the big scheme of things. Being a mother is not for the faint of heart, especially a helicopter mother. One day he will want to move away to college without me, he will get married and move away and will not want his mother there. When that time comes this helicopter mom will do just as she did today at the county fair while he was on the ride “all by himself.” I will put on my biggest smile, wave the biggest wave every times he’s looking and I will close my eyes and pray silently every single day when he’s not around. 

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