Friday, January 16, 2015

C-Section Mom vs. Natural Birth Mom

Isn't that what we do as moms compare, compare, compare. It’s almost like a secret war of judgment with c-section moms and natural birth moms. I recall vividly lying to new mom friends that were natural birth moms about my c-section. It was almost as if my entire pregnancy was a failure. Even worse almost as if I as a mother was a failure. That I had somehow scared my child before even holding them because of how they were brought into this world.

That’s when I began thinking, a mom is a mom, period.

If you are a c-section mommy or a natural birth mommy you knew when you carried life that you were willing to risk your very own life for that child. You knew that the moment you laid eyes on them, touched their sweet skin and heard their first cry you would love them forever, unconditionally. You made sure to hold them just right fully supporting that sweet head. You checked and double checked the car seat on the ride home. Got up several times a night just to make sure they were still breathing. Worry about them every single minute of every single day. You become filled with complete joy when they smile at you and tell you they love you.

Sure we all do things differently as moms but at the end of the day we are the same. How you birthed your child into this world does not define you as a mom. 

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